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Praise Him 讚美

國外詩歌 / Gateway Worship

Praise Him 讚美 詞曲:Klaus Kuehn,Thomas Miller 中譯詞:周巽光 Gateway Worship All creatures of our God and King\神創造的 宇宙萬物 All living things will praise\都要歡呼讚美 From the end of the earth\聖徒直到地極 The saints will rise\都要興起 To sing, they'll sing\歌唱 歌唱 From valleys low to mountains high\從深海洋 到高山上 From every distant shore\全地都要宣揚 The call goes out\主在呼召 The people rise\神的百姓 To sing, they'll sing\歌唱 歌唱 Praise Him, praise Him\讚美 讚美 Let all the people praise Him\讓主百姓都讚美 Praise Him, praise Him\讚美 讚美 Let all creation sing\讓萬物都讚美 Worthy to receive the glory\配得 一切榮耀權柄 Honor belongs to You\尊貴 都歸於你 Forever our King and Lord\到永遠 我主我王 All praise belongs to You\讚美都歸於你

影片上架日期: 2023年6月19日